Photo by Ohio Wesleyan University Paul Vernon
As September begins, students in their junior year approach the October 1 deadline for their graduation applications. Many students have no idea where to begin, and the Ohio Wesleyan Department of Holistic Advising wants them to know the department is here to help.
Lauren Hensley, Director of Holistic Advising, commented on what students should focus on in the coming weeks.
“In the next few weeks, the Spring semester course schedule will be posted in Self-Service. Travel learning courses and their applications will also be available,” said Hensley. “You can discuss them with your advisor and fit them into your overall plan for your degree. The Graduation Application has an October 1st deadline so you can think about when you plan to graduate -and in what major- by the time you're scheduling for Spring.”
Hensley wants the process to be clear and simple for everyone and provides a simple checklist for juniors to follow.
“View your DegreeAudit to track your progress toward each graduation requirement. Scroll all the way to the bottom, and ask your advisor if anything is unclear. If you don't yet have a major declared in DegreeAudit, or if you have changed your mind, submit the major/minor request form. Estimate how many semesters you have remaining, assuming you complete 4.25 units a semester on average. Fill out the Graduation Application.”
Hensley stresses that students should focus on declaring a major and potentially a minor before completing general education requirements. If students feel lost, Hensley makes clear that the purpose of their academic advisor and the Office of Academic Advising is to help them through this process.
For students who miss the deadline, however, there is no penalty.
“If you miss the October 1 deadline to submit the Graduation Application, go ahead and fill it out as soon as you can. You won't be penalized for submitting the form late (as long as it's completed before your final semester ends), but we do want every student to complete the form so you are on your advisor's and the Registrar's radar as you schedule classes for your final semesters”
Hensley would like students to be excited about the graduation process, as it is the next big step in their lives. She stresses that students can resubmit the application if their plans change.
“Applying for graduation is designed to help keep you on track and let OWU know of your plans. Don't delay applying if you aren't certain of the details--use any uncertainty to ask questions and gain confidence about your next steps.”